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COMMIT TO: Inquisition Record 1632 624-2000
CROSS FILE: Inquisition of the Vindicators
INPUT DATE: 3749914.M36
AUTHOR: Inquisitor Ryjak
TRANSMITTER: Astropath Prime Korova
RECEIVER: Astropath Prime Janus
SUBJECT:  Urban Assault THOUGHT:  War is easily conducted when variables are reduced.

Lord, I have obtained this excerpt from the Vindicators Battle Bible, from the Book of Urban Warfare.

    When thou finds oneself in dense fighting conditions, such as within a city, thee whilst find that the range of thy weaponry is negligent.  Therefore, thou must maximize thy damage potential at short range, and neglect those weapons that are most effective at long distance.  Squads shall thus be equipped with melta-guns, flame throwers, and Multi-meltas, and thou whilst rely on the Vindicator Assault Tank for heavy support.  No other tank shall be taken into the city, for it shall be the death of them.  Nor shalt thou elect to bring plasma cannon nor missile launchers.
    Devestators shall not be used, except to defend thy fortress with Multi-meltas.  These troops will too easily fall to an assault they cannot prevent.
    Thou may use thy sniper rifles, for these are very useful within a city to delay thy enemy, but the utmost care must be taken in their deployment.  Place thy scouts high in buildings, so enemy infantry cannot reach them.  Do not give thy scouts heavy weapons, for these will draw undo attention to thy snipers.
    Assault Squads may be used, but take care, lest they be cut off from support.  They excel at clearing buildings and fortifications, but thou shalt always use a Vindicator to demolish troublesome fortifications, unless thou plans on occupying them thyself.
    Terminators with flamers excel at urban fighting, and thou would be wise to field them in conditions such as these.  Thy assault cannons will also prove most valuable in these settings.
    Landspeeders will prove most valuable, as they can nimbly negotiate the terrain and deliver their ordinance.  However, thou shalt not ever slow, lest an unknown threat can get a bearing on thee.
    Follow this, and thou shalt always succeed.

    If you need to contact me Lord, send your transmission to Inquisitor Ryjak

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